Entre Nous : 2012
Audio Clip
Entre Nous, written for the outstanding Norwegian cellist Jonathan Aasgaard, is one of a proposed series of three related works, all featuring solo cello. The title reflects the sense of collaboration at the heart of the project, and is, in this first piece of the set, a starting point for the music itself. In effect, there are two “voices” in the piece, engaged in a dialogue, in which one gradually becomes more animated while a more lyrical and reflective voice attempts to keep things calm. What happens here is a reverse of the process in the slow movement of Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto, where the lyrical voice of the piano eventually calms the more excitable orchestra. But it should be remembered that Entre Nous is only the first instalment.
There are three movements, the last two of which split an often heard but crafty retractive discussion device:
I Talking it over
II Just ...
III ... saying